Thank you to today’s guest blogger, Naomi Johnson of
Light at the End of the Pandemic Tunnel
Say “2020” to anyone and you’re likely to get a bit of an eye roll. It was one tough year for everyone for sure, but small business owners experienced some of the most devastating setbacks. Although the virus is still a serious issue, thankfully there does seem to be a light at the end of our pandemic tunnel. With a vaccine being distributed, there are soon to be many small business owners looking to reopen their doors.
If you are one of them, there are a few marketing points you should keep in mind. Especially if you want to avoid overspending. That includes these savvy tips from EWR Management.
Embrace Remote Work
If you or your employees can get work done at home, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t. You even take advantage of cost-free remote work tools that companies like Google and Zoom are providing during the pandemic. With these free tools, you can “meet” with employees to brainstorm reopening plans but you can also stay connected to your customers.
Just a quick note about working from home. If you typically work via a private company network, you may need to take additional measures to keep your business safe and secure. These steps include having your home internet connection encrypted and avoiding sharing devices that contain sensitive information with other family members. Make sure your staff is on board too.
Consider Contactless
Now if you are going to be reopening a physical storefront, you should know that consumers’ expectations of small businesses have changed. One of the main shifts retail and restaurant sites have seen in the past year is a growing demand for contact-free transactions. This includes contact-free payments, to prevent the need for touching common surfaces.
So, if your store isn’t offering these payment options, you should really consider upgrading your systems. Doing so is extremely simple. You may also need some new tech to help facilitate payments and other operations. Check with your local payment processing provider for the best deals. You can usually find offers that will help save your business some serious money.
Get Social Media Savvy
Another must for businesses right now? You may have already guessed it: social media. Digital marketing via social media was already pretty important prior to the pandemic. But it’s become a saving grace for businesses that have had to shutter their doors. If you can get users and influencers to “shout out” your business, your chances of success are even higher. Best of all, you can usually get those mentions without cutting into your profits. It’s a win-win strategy.
Unsure of where to start with managing social media pages and cultivating relationships with followers? Then you should really think about working with a marketing partner who can figure out all of the finer details for you. EWR can help you develop a complete marketing strategy, including social media content and digital marketing plans. You can avoid guesswork.
Know That Help is Available
The links and tips above can save you stress and time. But when you’re trying to manage a small business during a global pandemic and recession, you need all of the help you can get. That’s why if you can budget for it, you really should give serious thought to investing in marketing help from an experienced firm like EWR. If you can’t afford their services, at least check out their website and blog to get valuable free tips for helping your business thrive.
If funding is a serious concern, there are also still programs available that may provide the assistance you need. Check with your state and local government to see if they are offering any grant, loan, or financial assistance programs for small business owners. You can also reach out to your followers on social media to set up a crowdfunding page and get the help you need.
Getting back to business can be so exciting! But it can also be a bit stressful if you are doing so while the pandemic is going on. With the right tips and the right help, you can stretch your budget farther while still reaching the folks you need to help your reopening succeed.
Photo Credit: Rawpixel