Creating a path to success one click at a time.
Don’t let another year go by ignoring your marketing campaign. Getting new work is as important for sustaining a business as completing a job well-done.
Use these tips to set up your strategy for success.
Go Mobile. Access to the world is now at our finger tips. With a swipe of the finger, users can find where to eat, what house to buy and even who to marry. Don’t be left behind when it comes to being mobile-friendly. Make sure your web site (you do have a web site, right?) is mobile-ready. That also goes for e-mail campaigns.
Use Video. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a video is worth 1 million – or more. Videos don’t have to be full-scale cinema production, in fact, the shorter the better. Instagram, for example, has a 15 second max for videos on its platform. Condense your message and get the videos rolling.
Content is King. Content will always be king. Excellent content builds trust and fuels engagement. Plus, search engine algorithms are now holding marketers to a higher standard and reward top-notch content.
Be Personable. What set you apart? In a world where users can find hundreds, if not thousands, of businesses who do what you do, it’s time to set yourself apart. The best way to do that is be you! Customize your content and let your personality shine through.
Call to Action. All the awesome content and outstanding videos are great, but if people don’t know where to go or how to hire you, then it’s all for nothing. Make sure you are clear on how to get in touch with you. Create a clear call to action on every piece of marketing you generate.
The goal for these marketing tips is to help entrepreneurs expand their reach and build a successful business through brand awareness.
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